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The Weighing Scale Obsession

Updated: Sep 10, 2020

In this health and body conscious era almost everyone owns a weighing scale or weight machine at their home which has become their own personal fitness tracker. These weight watchers have become so obsessed with weighing themselves that they weigh themselves everyday and that too more than 2-3 times a day. The number that appears on the scale have become the indicator of health and fitness.

Do you really think that the number which appears on the scale is an ideal indicator for your health and fitness?

If yes then sorry that's not true because our body weight is not only made up of fat it also consists of fluid, bones, muscle, organ etc. So losing weight does not necessarily means losing fat. When you eat less, restrict calories and starve yourself in order to lose weight then you are harming your body by losing your bone density and muscle mass because of which your scale might show a decrease in number but you will end up losing your healthy weight and still look the same. This leads to low self esteem, guilt and fear of eating.

So scientifically weighing scale are not an indicator of health and fitness. The actual indicator of health such as feeling more energetic & light, reduced cravings towards junk food, better sleep, healthier skin, hair & nails etc.

Be smart and ditch your scales

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